发布时间:2025-01-08 05:41
之前我咨询了很多家 比较介钱以及试听过后的感觉.好.,我选择了ABC天丅英语中心,他们的外教都是搜碧迅慧让有五、六年的教学经验 课前课后还有学习顾问回答问题 并追踪进度,是根据个人英语水平自己选世此择课程,特别是口语和听力,最好能是外国人教学..Advantages:It widens students ledge and horizons, meanwle cultivats their independence and personalities. learn advanced ledge and experience. Provides opportunities to students, who can learn advanced management experience. Then students have to deal with many problems whey they study abroad, thdy have to learn how to be accustomed to a new environment and how to get well with the teachers and classmates.By communicating with foreign students, they will see the differences from their own. Finally, can provide a good language environment and make it easy to pick up a language. Disadvantages: students will confronted with many phychological problems. they feel lonely and helpness in a new environment.Futhermore, the tuition is too much , wch is a heavy financial burden to the average people. Not only that, students may also experience homesickness when away from their families so long. 写了论点,你自己整理下→更多详情请点击 查看更多答案
Now there are increasing people to go study overseas. And also there are some advantages and disadvantages.

As we all know the eduational quality is better than national's. People can learn the most advanced techniques aboard. The sights and views is beautiful, air and water without pollution.

But studying overseas will spend a lot of money that an ordinary family can not afford. And without families and firends you will feel lonely and noboby cares about you.
